Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spell Mastery feats for Wizards

A while ago, when we had a first glimpse at Player's Handbook 2 controllers, there was some discussion on the relative lack of controlling mechanics in Wizard at-will powers.4E developer Mike Mearls joined the conversation, suggesting that those at-wills (even Scorching Burst) are slightly below baseline. While I personally think that most of these powers (except the weak Ray of Frost and the pointless Magic Missile) are fine, I won't deny there is room for improvement.

Inspired by power-specific Implements (such as Master's Wands) from Adventurer's Vault, I have designed a cycle of Wizard feats that allow you to customize your at-wills. You can see them below:

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Friday, February 27, 2009

A less Vigorous Battlerager

The Battlerager Fighter build is absurdly powerful. Here's a suggestion to bring it on par with other weapon talents, while preserving as much of the original mechanics as possible.

Replace the Battlerager Vigor Fighter talent with the following:

When you hit an enemy, if that enemy has hit you with a melee or close attack since your last turn, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. If the attack is Invigorating, and you are wielding an axe, a hammer, a mace or a pick, you gain the sum of these temporary hit points and the amount granted by Invigorating.

When wearing light armor or chainmail, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against enemies that have hit you with melee or close attacks since your last turn. Increase this bonus to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Full Charisma Paladin: Improving your divine class in two easy steps

This is a simple rules modification to fix what I view as a Paladin's greatest problem, its division in two subclasses: one with Charisma, the other with Strength, both with too few power choices. It consists on the following:
  1. Change all Strength-based Paladin powers to use Charisma instead. If there is any secondary effect that triggers off Wisdom, change it to use Strength.
  2. Change Divine Challenge so that the damage bonus depends on Strength modifier, rather than Charisma.
As an example, this is how the revised level 1 powers would look like (details ommitted for clarity):

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Monday, February 23, 2009

D&D class overview (V): The less-than-awesome

On the final issue of these series, I'll comment on the Warlock and its huge issues, and the Ranger, which is plain terrible.

The poor warlock doesn't really deserve to be left alone with a ranger. In fact, nobody does. That's why they are given animal companions.
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D&D class overview (IV): The not-so-awesome

The second tier of classes, which I'll talk about today, are mostly fine except for a few significant issues. While they can certainly be played, and enjoyed, I believe they would vastly improve if these issues were addressed. Let's take a look at the Fighter and its balance problems, the featureless Wizard, and both Clerics and Paladins with their crippling multiple main ability scores.

I find identifying classes in pictures rather difficult, and not just because of resolutions as tiny as above.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

D&D class overview (III): The awesome classes

Having determined what is good and bad in a D&D class, we are ready to start applying all this theory. Starting today, I will briefly go over the nine currently complete classes (the ones in the first Player's Handbook and the Swordmage from the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide) and point out where I think they fail, and where they offer something unique that hasn't been exploited.

I have ordered the classes in three tiers, from the ones less in need of changes to those that need them most. The first category is composed by the rogue, swordmage and warlord.

Maybe I should have put today's classes on top.
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Friday, February 13, 2009

D&D class overview (II): What's wrong with current classes?

In the first installment of this series I gave a list of good attributes to look for in a class. Today we'll explore the opposite end of the spectrum, as I go over the most important, common problems I have found in Player's Handbook classes (plus Swordmage).
As I will prove below, the ranger stands for all that is evil
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

D&D class overview (I): How should classes be?

As I stated in my opening post, the long-term mission of this site will be to fix and improve D&D 4e rules. Of course, an important part of this process should be to decide which areas of the game can be improved upon, and which ones should be preserved as key to the game's success. I will start by analyzing currently released classes, i.e. those in the Player's Handbook, plus the Swordmage.

The wizard is, hands down, the best controller published to date
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