Monday, March 30, 2009

Fixing Beast Mastery (I): Beast Training

In my previous post, I stated that one of the problems with Ranger pets was that their attacks' damage didn't increase at the same rate as weapon attacks, quickly falling behind in damage. Since beast powers work under the assumption that a [B] attack is equivalent to a [W] attack, this causes them to be deceivingly weak, and almost always worse than non-beast powers. Here is a simple fix to reduce the gap between beast attacks and weapon attacks: a new ritual to give beasts an enhancenment bonus to damage. Beastmaster rangers automatically learn this ritual, and can use it even if they are otherwise unable to perform rituals.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The numbers of the Beast

UPDATE (09/05/2010) - Added comparative charts for beast damage.

In previous posts, when talking about rangers, I deliberately skipped Beast Master builds. This doesn't mean that they are flawless (they aren't) or that I dislike (I love them), but their mechanics are a bit more complex than average, and I didn't quite know how to explain what I found was wrong with them. Today I'll give it a shot.

Beastmaster Rangers didn't hit the mark
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Building characters with(out) Player's Handbook 2

I've just had my first contact with Player's Handbook 2. Not actual, physical contact with the book, as it will still take a few more days for amazon to deliver my copy. But I have been able to browse through the races and classes, carefully choose some powers and feats, and give form to some characters for my next campaign. Such is the magic of Character Builder, the killer application from D&D Insider, and the greatest (some would say first) digital success in Wizards of the Coast's history.

Some classes just scream 'win'.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Redeeming the zombie minion

As you approach the hall, you are overwhelmed by a nauseating stench. Something moves in the darkness, aware of your presence. The corpses on the floor start to rise, moved by an unnatural hunger. You are surrounded by dozens of zombies! You ready your weapons and quickly consider your options as the enemy approaches, ready to devour your - PLEASE STOP LAUGHING, THEY ARE VERY THREATENING!

Zombie minions are not, to say it politely, very threatening. The minion rules about dying on one hit do not synergyze well with a type of monster with lousy defenses that are usually compensated with tons of hit points. The result is a monster that is almost automatically killed with any attack you point at it, while also having terrible mobility and no special abilities whatsoever. Admittedly, they get a tiny offensive advantage, even if they rarely live long enough to use it.

This is not right. If there is a monster that deserves a good minion version, it's the zombie! Everyone likes plowing through hordes of rotten undead. Or running away from them, when their numbers get out of proportion. Today, I'll show a few variations on the zombie rotter that should add a bit of variety, and some challenge, to your undead encounters.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Go, go, ranger powers!

UPDATE: As of December, 2009, Careful Attack has been errataed to add Dexterity or Strength to the damage roll, so my suggested fix for that power is no longer necessary (though I like it more than the official version).

I'll do the usual trick: show modified powers now, then have some discussion after the cut. I'm leaving Beast Mastery for other day, as I think it's a whole different animal (heh). Also, no changes for Nimble Strike -we like you as you are, NS!

This will hurt a little now, but you'll feel much better afterwards...

Careful, now.

Ok, we're ready to go!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Featuring: the Ranger

After a few skirmishes with lesser foes, I feel ready to face my arch-nemesis class. Today, I will take a first step towards turning Rangers into enjoyable, balanced characters. There is much work to do, so expect several posts on the subject until I'm satisfied with the result.

An iconic ranger

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Eldritch Mysteries

Eldritch Blast annoys me. The Warlock description lists it as a class feature, but that only means that you are forced to take it. It's not as if you get it for free, or have any other kind of bonus, as one would expect from a feature. And it does nothing special whatsoever. It counts as a ranged basic attack, which is mostly irrelevant except for a couple encounter or daily powers from other classes, but otherwise it has no ability. Or drawback, for that matter.

Because of this, among other reasons, Warlocks are in dire need of options for at-will powers. The feats I present today should give that, by changing EB, effectively turning it into different powers. The idea goes back to the first warlock appearance in D&D 3.5, though in that occasion the system was modular and very detailed, allowing for lots of combinations and changing from a turn to the next. My proposal isn't as ambitious, as a player can only choose a single modification for EB, and it is applied permanently.

We will define a new type of feat, the Eldritch Mystery. The following rules apply:

Eldritch Mystery feats.
These feats modify the effect of a Warlock's Eldritch Blast under certain conditions. They are denoted by "Eldritch Mystery" in brackets after the name of the feat. You can't take more than one Eldritch Mystery feat.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Rule updates in PHB 2

As part of the March previews article, Wizards has shown the table of contents in Player's Handbook II. Among other useful information (such as the number of pages, 223, which I didn't know) there is an interesting tidbit: a chapter dedicated to rule updates. These updates focus on two major issues, Reading a Power and Stealth. I wonder if they will have new material, or just be a compilation of published errata, though. This are the sections of the chapter:

Reading a Power218
The Power Format
The Power Description218
The Marked Condition218
Movement Effects
Extra Damage
New Stealth Rules
Bluff 222
Stealth 222
Perception 222
Targeting What You Can’t See223

It's just 6 pages, and it looks like it will consist on errata-like updates. On the other hand, Stealth rules in PHB were poorly written, to say the least, so this should prove useful.

Monster Numbers

If there is something I like from the new DMG it is, without a doubt, how it explains the math behind monster stats. The 'monster statistics by role' table in page 184, and the 'damage by attack type' table in the following table provide invaluable insight about 4E's core mechanics. It is in these tables that we can see, among other things, that both attacks and defenses are expected to increase at the very predictable rate of +1/level.

However, even if this section provides formulas or values for every relevant monster stat, not all of them are easy to read, or use. In particular, Hit Point values depend on monster Constitution, something is a bit out of place in such straightforward tables, in my opinion. Also, damage values are given as dice rolls plus modifiers, which is good for actual monster creation, but hides the real numbers behind. It's not always easy to see just how much better than 3d6+X is 2d10+Y.

Today I'll try to help DMs who like to customize monsters, by providing additional tables with quick stats: three for monster Hit Points, including entries for Elites and Solos, and two with average damages from monster attacks, both normal and limited.
The tables below will help you make new, fearsome monsters

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