Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fixing the math: A case against Expertise feats

Unlike other overpowered feats, Implement Expertise (and its cousins Weapon and Focused) was never intended to be balanced. Although feats as absurdly strong as these are usually the consequence of hasty development or lack of playtesting, this time the reason was different: It's an attempt to fix a problem with the game's core mechanics. In today's article, I'll discuss what problem they were meant to solve, why I'm not completely satisfied with the result, and some alternate solutions that might work better.
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fighter Essentials: The Great Weapon

UPDATE: The article has finally been errataed in the Dragon magazine compilation. There are details below, but the most important error - the Warding Steel power - is fixed now.

The new Class Acts article devoted to Fighters (how many are there, already?) provides much needed reasons to make a Greatweapon Talent Fighter, by far the most overlooked of this class' builds. There's a lot to comment - to summarize, the article makes a great read, and is mostly safe to use in your campaign, with two notable exceptions I'll explain below.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Weapon feats for everybody (III): Weapon Specialization feats

(Edit: Wow, just 5 days after my post, Wizards goes and publishes something called Weapon Specialization. In this month's Fighter Essentials article, there's a Fighter Weapon Specialization feat. And it's garbage. Therefore, I'll keep the name on my feats, since I see little chance that they will be confused with anything remotely playable)

For the conclusion of this series, I have saved a really strong batch of feats, most of which will suppose a large increase in damage output. Talk about power creep! The basic concept is quite straightforward: we take the two strongest weapon feats this side of the epic tier (Hammer Rhythm and Scimitar Dance) and we make them into a cycle.

Ok, there is a catch. This kind of feats is tolerably overpowered as long as you are doing conventional stuff (say, attack once per turn). However, like many things in the game, they get ugly when combined with multiattack powers. We are addressing this. Also, a full cycle of strong, damage increasing feats would lead to broken combinations involving weapons with multiple types, so we have to make sure they don't stack.

In short, we have changed the Hammer Rhythm template so that it only triggers once per turn, and we have grouped the feats and added rules preventing the use of more than one per attack. Since there is currently nothing in the game called "weapon specialization", and I rather like the term, I have chosen it for this group.

Weapon Specialization feats

Weapon specialization feats provide benefits when you miss with melee weapon attacks using a specific kind of weapon. If you have more than one weapon specialization feat that can apply to an attack, that attack can benefit from only one of them at a time. You choose which feat applies before making each attack.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weapon feats for everybody (II): Paragon Tier

We continue our article series on weapon feats with the first cycle of feats for paragon tier. The feats presented today are more oriented towards utility, and many bring something unique to the playstyle of a weapon. For the damage-dealing lovers, the following installment will have the more offensive paragon feats.

On the table below, the feats marked with a '*' are unchanged from the core books, whereas those with a '+' are revisions of existing feats. The rest of them are brand new.

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Weapon feats for everybody (I): Heroic Tier feats

When you take a look at the weapon-related feats available to any character (using, for example, the handy guide I posted a few days ago), you can notice a great disparity from one weapon group to another. Without taking into account racial or class-specific feats, there are never more than one or two feats per tier for a given kind of weapon. The problem is, many weapon types lack feats in some tier (usually Heroic), or waste these precious feat slots with terrible options.

This is the first on a series of articles that attempts to address the shortage of weapon feats, among other issues. Each article will feature a cycle of feats for every melee weapon type: one cycle for the heroic tier, and two for paragon. These will include existing feats from PHB and PHB2, sometimes with fixes to make them playable or to prevent them from being overpowered. Most of these feats will have no class or race restrictions, with the exception of some game-breaking ones from Martial Power, for which I provide patches.

So, without further introduction, here is the heroic tier cycle, ordered by weapon type. On the table, the feats marked with a '*' are unchanged from the core books, whereas those with a '+' are revisions of existing feats. The rest of them are brand new.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Assassin: A DDI-Exclusive class.

As a complete, brand new class from an unexplored power source, the assassin is the most ambitious content delivered so far by D&D Insider. We have already been shown the Heroic and Paragon Tiers, and Epic will follow soon. The verdict? Totally worth it. What we have here is a very compelling character concept, with a set of game mechanics that perfectly fits this flavor while looking both fun and different from previous classes.

An iconic assassin

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A guide to weapon feats

After my recent post on domain feats, I have decided to make a similar compilation, this time about weapon-related feats. They are classified by weapon category and ordered by tier, with different sections for generic feats and for those that require specific races or classes. I also list the source books, for those who lack DDI subscriptions, though this will be a lot more useful if you can see the Compendium tootips.

These are the abbreviations of rule book titles:
- PHB: Player's Handbook
- PHB2: Player's Handbook 2
- MP: Martial Power
- EPG: Eberron Player's Guide
- DRAXXX: Dragon Magazine, issue XXX.

(Edited: fixed some errors)


Generic feats
Deadly Axe - Paragon (PHB)
Axe Mastery - Epic (PHB)
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When 'save ends' isn't long enough

Today I'm going to discuss an issue with the saving throw mechanic in 4e which, I have found particularly annoying. It may not be the most game breaking problem related to saving throws (that dubious honor would belong to save penalty stacking), but it is a pattern that I often find while reading power lists, and I thought I could find a simple, harmless solution. I'm talking about the combination of 'save ends' durations and effects that boost your party's attacks against a target.
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