Thursday, October 15, 2009

New feats for the Seeker class

Following the tradition I started with the monk and psion reviews, here are some homebrew feats for your brand new Seeker characters. As usual, I provide a couple of straightforward yet useful multiclass feats, as well as a few more creative ideas. Enjoy!

Expansive Shot
Prerequisite: Seeker, Inevitable Shot class feature
Benefit: When making a ranged attack, you can take a –2 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you treat creatures within 2 squares of the target as if they were adjacent to the target, for the purposes of any effect caused by the attack. Read More......

Toning down resistances, vulnerabilities and immunities

Last weekend I DM'ed the fifth level of Dungeon Delve,Tomb of the Tiefling Empress, which features a selection of monsters with more different resistances and vulnerabilities than any other adventure I've seen to date. In addition to the usual damage types related to Undead creatures (radiant, necrotic, poison), my players had to think hard on how to use their fire and cold attacks. We also had the ideal party to show off these mechanics, as there were both a Seeker (who got frustrated by the uselessness of his poison attacks) and an Invoker (who ruled the day with Hand of Radiance and Invocation of Ice and Fire). There was a very satisfying moment, when the players managed to position their enemies so that they were devastated by their own damaging auras.

After the Delve was over (with most of the party knocked out, and the Elf Seeker puttign to good use his amazing mobility), I started thinking about resistances and vulnerabilities, and their effect on the game. The session had proved that these mechanics could serve to create fun challenges. However, it also confirmed my previous impressions about their effects being too extreme. It's not that you deal less damage against certain enemies and more against others - even the most humble of resistances (typically 5, at heroic tier) make attacks of the chosen element almost worthless. On the other hand, some attacks can deal more than double the usual amount because of vulnerabilities. And things only get worse when the damage comes in small packets, such as ongoing damage or auras.

I think resistances and vulnerabilities could be more interesting, without becoming irrelevant, if their effect was slightly subtler. I want a character to be able to use a power (say, one of their cool encounters or dailies) against a resistant enemy without completely wasting an action. Conversely, an at-will exploiting a vulnerability shouldn't be so good as to render encounters or dailies with different damage types pointless. So I've come up with a houserule, consisting on setting a cap for both resisted and vulnerated damage. It reads as follows:
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Monday, October 12, 2009

Calculating hit chances using attack and defense normalization.

D&D 4E' s combat rules are set up so that attack and defense values of both player characters and monsters increase at a regular rate of 1 point per level. As a consequence of this, a character's chances of hitting (and being hit by) an opponent of his level remains mostly constant throughout levels. In today's post, I'll define two character statistics, normalized attack bonus and normalized defenses, that express, respectively, how good the character's attacks and defenses are, compared to other characters of the same level. Then, I'll show how these magnitudes can be used to easily calculate hit chances.


Although monster statistics are subject to variation from one creature to the other, their average values are usually close to those shown in Dungeon Master's Guide, p.184. According to the table in that page, attack and defense modifiers for monsters are the sum of a constant (that depends on the monster's role) and the creature's level. Player characters also follow this principle, but with less regularity: even though over the course of 30 levels a PC's attacks and defenses will have increased by roughly 29 points, this progression often has spikes, with one level granting two points and the following none. Nevertheless, translating PC statistics to a constant value plus the character's level would be a valid aproximation.

Following this principle, we define two magnitudes:

Normalized attack

Normalized attack bonus= attack bonus - character level

Normalized defense

Normalized defense (AC/For/Ref/Wil)= defense - character level

Notation: As an abbreviation, when referrring to a normalized stat, I'll use the notation nXX (the stat value preceded by 'n').

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Class Review: The Seeker

This month's debut content from Player's Handbook 3 on DDI consists, again, on a new class: the Seeker. These days, it looks like we are getting some new class almost every month, which would eventually become hard to justify, if not for the fact that the designs look better each time. If last month's Assassin quickly became one of my all-time favourites, today's Seeker doesn't let me down, either.

Rather than a completely novel idea, Seekers consist on an interesting variant for a relatively untapped archetype: the Archer. This class' twist comes in the form of primal spirits that imbue your missiles with energy, granting special effects. If Archer Rangers were like Robin Hood or Legolas, Seekers play more like a Green Arrow or Hawkeye, almost every arrow coming with some kind of trick or surprise. Though this niche had partialy been covered by Artificers, as well as Prescient Bards, the emphasis on archery is greater here - while these other classes had the ranged weapon as one of many options for channeling attacks, the Seeker is one with his bow (or crossbow, or whatever). When you think of it, not even Rangers can claim such a devotion to archery, as only one of that class' builds is really focused in ranged combat.

None of the powers shown so far feature this kind of arrow trick, but there's still hope.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Basic Ki Focus enchantments on DDI

EDIT: Though I missed it on the first read, this Character Builder update also includes the assassin multiclass feat. It's called Shadow Initiate.

One of the few flaws I found on the Assassin class (released exclusively for DDI last month, and commented here) was the lack of actual enchantments for the new type of magic item they presented for the class: the Ki Focus.

The problem was not unsurmountable, as it was easy to assume how a basic, 'Magic Ki Focus' would work. In addition, Mike Mearls (the designer of the class) made a post in a non-official forum suggesting to allow any enchant that was available to all weapons to be applied to Ki Focuses, as a temporary house rule. That was good enough for me, but many people was concerned by the lack of official rulings, and the question remained of how we would handle this on Character Builder, when the class was finally released there.

The class has been finally released on CB, and there's good news on the matter: 'Ki Focus' appears as a new magic item type, and the most basic enchantments (plain vanilla 'Magic Ki Focus' +N) are available to take. They also appear in the Compendium, as you can see here.

Running out of surges

Edit: I almost missed it, but Dragon magazine has recently published a very similar ritual to what I propose in this post. It's in the third Playing Vistany article, and it's called Comrades' Succor (no Compendium link yet, though). So, if you liked my idea, you can use it officially now. The ritual in Dragon actually allows to transfer surges instead of spending them, so I prefer my rule, but it's close enough.

Very often, my group has been forced to take an early rest due to one member or the other getting beaten hard, and unable to return to full HP (or even to consciousness). This usually leads to some awkward situations, and more than once our DM has resorted to handwaving the recovery of some surges to keep the game going, when having a long rest wouln't be feasible. Even if our characters might be able to beat more encounters without a full group, we find unacceptable to have a player out of the game until we can find a place to camp. What could we do to prevent this?

It is certainly possible to mitigate the problem through better tactics and character customization (in fact, some of our characters have picked the Durable feat with this in mind). However, you can't help having some PC's that are less resilient than the rest, and sometimes the fight just goes wrong, and someone gets knocked down. So I have been thinking of possible house rules that specifically address the problem of a character running out of surges.

Now, when messing with this kind of things, you run the risk of obsoleting the use of healing surges as a resource in the game. I don't want to do anything like that, even if there are already some powers, like Unicorn's Touch (which I have strongly criticized) that break this model (EDIT: No more! Unicorn's Touch has been errata-ed into a daily). What I wanted was a solution where surges would still be relevant, but a character without them could remain in the game, even if at a disadvantage. An additional restriction was that it should be easily accessible to any party, regardless of composition.

The idea I came up with meets these requirements, and has the unusual advantage of being implementable in an official book, without any need for errata. It's a low level ritual, with a game-changing impact not unlike that of Raise Dead:

Shared Vitality
You temporarily link the life energies of your allies, so that they can share their strength with an exhausted comrade.

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Primal Power preview: The Swarm Druid

With the release of Primal Power not so far off, the first previews of the book are coming out, with some very promising material. Today I'll talk one of the most innovative concepts I've seen in a while - the Swarm Druid.

Swarm Druids are one of the two new builds for Druid PCs featured in Primal Power (the other being Summoner Druids, shown in a playtest article long ago), and they are based on a bizarre idea that, somehow, fits the flavor of the class perfectly. When most druids can shapeshift into a beast form, resembling some kind of ferocius animal, the Swarm guys turn into dozens, or hundreds, of tiny creatures. The picture below should give you an idea of what it looks like.

The swarm in action.
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