Friday, July 30, 2010

D&D Essentials preview: The rogue

D&D Essentials class previews

The last of the four character classes to be revamped in Heroes of the Fallen Lands has been revealed today. The Essential version of the Rogue is known as the Thief (in yet another nod to old school D&D fans), and shares many of the mechanical innovations first seen in the Essential Fighter: a new power progression that lacks dailies and is based on applying modifiers to your basic attacks, and a wider range of class features, some of which are acquired at higher levels. We have been able to catch a glimpse of some of these powers and features, including interesting details such as the rediscovered ability to wield shortbows.

Shortbow rogues like Haley couldn’t easily be implemented in 4E, but Essentials will change that.
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Friday, July 23, 2010

D&D Essentials preview: The fighter

D&D Essentials class previews

So we finally get to see the class preview for the Essentials Fighter (for more info about Essentials, check out previous articles) and, man does it bring surprises! For all the forum uproar they caused, the essentialized Cleric and Wizard were little more (and little less) than your regular 4E class build with a few simplified decisions, and a higher level class feature or two, to throw us off-balance. Remember all the talk about classes with different levels of complexity, shaking up the Encounter/Daily power system, and the like? It all makes sense when you see this Fighter. Also, it’s a good thing we were shown the “normal” classes in Essentials first, as this one is nothing but shocking! Let’s see why...

This isn't actually from Essentials, but it needed to go here.
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Friday, July 16, 2010

D&D Essentials Wizard: Schools of magic, free Magic Missile, Spellbooks with Encounters

D&D Essentials class previews

It’s time for another preview of the new class builds that will be included in the Essentials book Heroes of the Fallen Lands. Today it’s the wizard’s turn, and we get to see the overview of the new builds, the heroic advancement table and, unlike the cleric preview, even some of the at-wills. For a general look at the Essentials line information we have seen so far, you can check out my post from last week.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Softer, Smaller, Cheaper - A look at the new Essentials format

Although we have talked a bit lately about the previews for D&D Essentials, most of the discussion has been centered on the content of the books, with topics like the new design goals and details about class builds. This is the usual thing, after all. But wait, there’s more! Not content with being innovative (and controversial!) in its content, the Essentials line is also making some bold experiments with book format. Look at the following picture, to see what I mean:

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Broken Bits: Battlefield Archer

Broken Paragon Paths, Part Four
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The Battlefield Archer paragon path is the only reason in the game to take the Archer Fighting style for a ranger. There, I said it. It would be an understatement to say that I dislike the original design for the Ranger class, a Twin Strike-spamming monstruosity with little in the way of variety and record-breaking damage figures. One of the most flawed elements (which is saying a lot) of the class, as appeared in the Player’s Handbook, was the Fighting Style class feature, which determines your choice of build. The problem lies in the benefits associated to each build, which consist in a minor bonus and a generic feat for the dual-wielding style, and just a mediocre feat for the archer style.

Yep, the only mechanic benefit of acquiring Archer Fighting Style is a mere feat like Defensive Mobility, which has no requirements whatsoever and isn’t particularly good! Granted, it more or less fits thematically, but as a build reward, it fails miserably. Add that to the fact that there are no feats or powers mechanically linked to the class feature, and it’s no wonder that many ranger players chose to go with the Two-Blade Fighting Style even though they didn’t mean to make a single melee attack in their whole career, just because getting Toughness as an extra feat is a bit less depressing. However, this decision changes considerably if the player intends to play from paragon tier onwards - at those levels, the archer style becomes a requirement for three paragon paths. And although the first two (High Forest Scout and Beast Stalker) are virtually unplayable, the third one is Battlefield Archer. It may not seem like much, but it has kept the Archer Fighting Style alive all by itself!
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Friday, July 9, 2010

D&D Essentials class preview: The Cleric

D&D Essentials class previews

The previews for D&D Essentials continue, and today we get our first glimpse at the new class mechanics. The developers start by explaining their design goals and philosophy (there is a HUGE emphasis on compatibility with existing products, as well as providing compelling decisions, even for new players), and then show us the crunchy bits. I highly recommend taking a look (no subscription is required), but you can see the highlights below.
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

July Errata: Battleminds, Magic Missile, Monster stats

Another round of errata has gone by, bringing some very needed changes. The biggest news are the fixing of the Battlemind class, the updated DMG tables for monster statistics, and an unexpected power-up for many previously marginal options, including an spell as classic (and worthless) as Magic Missile! Nevertheless, almost as important as what was included is the one missing thing: the psionic system, along with its flawed power point progression that turns heroic augments into spammable monstruosities at higher levels, is left untouched. I hope that one will be fixed by the time Psionic Power is around. Anyway, let’s take a look at today’s changes!
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New monster damage formulas

I have previously reported on how Monster Manual 3 brings a new monster design principle, with several adjustments to monster roles and an overall increase in damage. There was an important detail that was missing, though - the specific damage values under these new principles. This has been addressed in the latest round of rule updates, which introduce a new damage table for monsters and traps, replacing the one in page 185 of Dungeon Master’s Guide.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alternate classes in Player Essentials: No daily powers, controller overhaul

D&D Essentials class previews

Previews for the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials line (to be released in september) start this month, and Mike Mearls has written a very insightful article (check it out, it’s not DDI exclusive!) that sums up much of what we already knew - the product breakdown, and the philosophy behind the new books - as well as hinting at some interesting news.
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Monday, July 5, 2010

How much damage is a basic attack worth?

A while ago, we discussed some common methods for calculating the damage dealt by a character on average. However, it is common, particularly for leader classes, to have powers that deal a certain amount of damage and allow one or more allies to make an extra attack. Estimating the exact value of these powers is usually difficult, since it varies with party composition and the specific allies chosen. In today’s article, I’d like to provide some basic guidelines about how much damage to expect from a player character’s basic attack, depending on level.
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Friday, July 2, 2010

Class Acts: Monk - Pushing the boundaries of Full Disciplines.

UPDATE: Darn, the errata bugbear hit this article hard! It turns out that movement techniques with immediate actions were deemed too confusing, after all, as they all got changed to minor action shifts in the compilation. Good news is, minor action movement techniques are still there, and the article is still full of awesome.

I haven’t been writing much about Dragon Magazine lately, due to the overall mediocrity of last month’s content. Only two of the articles in June's issue (#388) were of interest to me: an intriguing Winning Races for Dragonborn, featuring an alternate encounter power for the race (which you can take without any kind of feat cost, an idea I fully support, and which I’d like to see more of), and a Class Acts dedicated to fire Wizards that introduced some cool ideas, but irregular mechanics.

It seems like issue #389 may be a different story, though, as we start the month with a great article for the Monk class, signed by Peter Schaefer. Subtitled "Fallen Needle Itinerants", the article features some amusing backstory on a monk master called Fat Aloisus, as well as really inspired mechanics. I already talked about my love for monks when we got to see one half of the class and, after reading the rest, I think they are easily the best thing to come out of Player’s Handbook 3, and one of the coolest strikers in the whole game. However, there is one thing that PHB3 didn’t get completely right but this article redeems: the use of Full Disciplines.

Don't let him deceive you, it's all muscle. Really.
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