Friday, September 24, 2010

Monster Workshop: The White Dragon

With the new monster design guidelines brought by Monster Manual 3, I’ve been looking for opportunities to adapt classic foes to the new, deadlier format. Unfortunately, my turn to DM our regular campaign is still a few months away, so I haven’t been able to put this into practice. That is, until our DM brought to my attention that we would be fighting a Dragon encounter (as he needed the minis from my home). That immediately put me into tinkering mode.

It is obvious that Dragons are an Essential very important part of the D&D game, and I love them as much as the next guy, but this specimen was from the first Monster Manual, and these are known to have... issues. Granted, it is still possible to have awesome encounters playing a MM1 Dragon by the book, but these become more and more difficult the higher level you are. At least we weren’t talking about a soul-crushing Black Dragon, but it was probably the next worst thing: a White. As a Solo Brute from MM1, this dragon has extremely high chances of providing underpowered, repetitive encounters, so something needed to be done.

White Dragons are among the weakest of the Chromatics, but the MM1 version is overkill.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Essential Assassin

"We’ve charted a new direction in class design with the Essentials products" - Bill Slavicsek, Essential Cleric preview.

The Executioner Assassin is new build (though it actually includes two sub-builds) for the assassin class, with a format inspired by the Essentials books, brand new mechanics, and a couple of twists in the resource system. Executioners are strikers that use both the shadow and the martial power source, making them the first build in the game with multiple power sources.
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Monday, September 13, 2010

Old monsters in Dungeon adventures to get stat updates

UPDATE: Added upgraded monsters from The Wayward Wyrmling and The Ghost Tower

Out of Dungeon and Dragon magazines, I'm definitely a Dragon guy. It's not that Dungeon articles are lacking in quality, but there's only so much adventure material my group can consume - and, since we are currently fighting our way through Pyramid of Shadows and intend to continue that adventure series all the way to Orcus, it will be a LONG time before we ever have a chance of trying out a Dungeon module.

So I tend to ignore everything that comes with Dungeon except for one thing: the monsters. Unlike in previous editions, I find 4E monster stat blocks quite enjoyable to read, and I find that monster design has only improved since the first Monster Manual. Moreover, I really like the changes brought by MM3, and I have a project to update many older monsters to the new stats, so I find it useful to check out on any new monster that comes out, as reference. This is how I found, while browsing through Vanguard Tower (the latest Dungeon adventure), that the game developers had a similar idea: they are applying errata (of the stealthy variety) through their adventure modules.
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Preview of September Rule Updates

Coinciding with the release of Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Wizards of the Coast has compiled a document with all the game rules, feats, powers, items and features that have been modified by that book. The list is 5 pages long, though most of it is taken up by the revised Wizard attacks (of which there are a lot) and to add rarity to existing magic items. For those concerned about stealth edition changes or whatever, it is true that a few of these changes weren't strictly necessary, but I sincerely think that most, if not all of them, are an improvement. Most importantly, though, the document (available for free) includes all necessary information to play with the upgraded stuff.
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Reviews of Heroes of a Fallen Lands

Those following this site lately will have guessed by now that I'm VERY interested in Heroes of the Fallen Lands and the rest of the Essentials line. Well, although sadly I still don't have the volume in my hands, it looks like some lucky reviewers have received early copies. The blog Dungeons and Dragons and Retail is one of them, and has written an in-depth analysis full of juicy information - I recommend you to check it out. Here are the highlights:
  • There is a list of the builds in the next book in the line, Heroes of a Forgotten Kingdom. It's full of surprises, as it has a leader druid (the Sentinel), controller ranger (Hunter) and what looks like a melee warlock (called Hexblade!), as well as more traditional builds like a defender paladin (the Cavalier) and striker ranger (the Scout).
  • Feats are organized in the following categories: Armor Training, Weapon Training, Two-Weapon Training and Implement Training; Enduring Stamina, Vigilant Reflexes and Steadfast Willpower; Divine Devotion, Learning and Lore, and Quick Reaction.
  • Only Common magic items (i.e, the ones craftable by players if you use the new magic item rules) are included.
  • No rituals.

UPDATE: For more spoilery goodness, take a look at this thread at Enworld

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Broken Bits: Stormwarden

Broken Paragon Paths, Part Five
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We continue our series about unbalanced paragon paths with one of the most remarkable examples from the fist Player’s Handbook: the Stormwarden (not to be mistaken with a Storm Warden). An extremely potent offensive option for the most damaging class in the game, the Stormwarden path is only slightly held back by the fact that it is only available to rangers of a specific build. This has prevented rampart abuse by multiclassing characters, which is the main reason for it to remain untouched by errata when paths of arguably lower power level (like Pit Fighter or Daggermaster) got the axe. Nevertheless, the fact remains that this is miles above the usual power curve for paragon paths, and unlike most other offenders, it’s hard to blame a single feature or power for it.
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