Thursday, April 30, 2009

Keep on the Shadowfell updated and free!

Wizards has released a PDF version of the first Heroic 4E adventure, Keep on the Shadowfell, as well as Quick Start Rules of the game, for free on their site. I think this is a great move -it's just the perfect package to get new players started into D&D. Also, it pretty much ensures that every 4E player will go through KoTS at some point, which makes for great shared experiences and game anecdotes, even for people not in your gaming group (ask anyone about their first encounter with Irontooth, for example!).

What really interests me, though, is the upgraded adventure. The core story and encounters are the same, but many details have been polished - format, errata, monster choices and skill challenges. I particularly like how they have added a few new monsters so that every encounter you take features at least a new one - after your nth skirmish with kobolds, Dragonshields get replaced but slightly different kobold soldiers, skirmishers get a new twist, and so on. A few plot details have been upgraded, such as the burial site no longer featuring a random Halfling, but an avatar of the major villain. Finally, skill challenges have got an overhaul - the statue chamber now looks a lot more playable, and just staying at a distance and bashing things at range no longer seems a productive strategy.

I'm looking forward to getting a chance to DM this module again, and this update looks like the perfect excuse.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not at the beginning of their turn: Swarm Attacks

Update: The world has been saved! Needlefang Drake Swarms were toned down to a manageable level in the Great November Errata. Also, swarms from later books such as Monster Manual 2 feature much more reasonable auras, so the problem I talked about only affects a couple of monsters in the first MM now.

Swarms. Deadly, disgusting swarms. These little guys feature some of the most inspired game mechanics in Monster Manual. Their rules include a generous bunch of resistances, vulnerabilities and special abilities, all dripping with flavor. Amazingly, their complexity level has been kept at bay, so using these monsters in an encounter won't result in a noticeable slowdown in gameplay. I think they can even make a great contribution to game strategy and role balance, as they make increase so much the value of area attacks - the perceived utility of controller PCs would improve a lot if swarms were a more common monster choice for encounters.

For all their good features, swarms have one fatal flaw that is probably preventing them to see as much play as they deserve. Even if I'd like every other encounter to include a swarm of two, this is currently not a realistic, nor a recommended option. Unlike most monsters, you just can't expect to replace a couple of guys in an encounter with swarms of the same level without drastically changing the difficulty - swarms are very powerful, their value often closer to an Elite monster than to a standard one. Clearly, this has to be addressed.
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Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Wilden: A Player's Handbook 3 preview race.

With the dew of their creation still wet upon their brows, the wilden emerge from the Feywild’s unspoiled reaches, from ancient bogs and primeval forests. Awakened to combat the growing corruption plaguing the lands, they shoulder the burden of restoring the natural order and purging the aberrant horror from the world.

The Wilden, previewed from PHB3 in a recent Dragon article, is the most alien core race presented to date. As a tribe of plant-people from the Feywild, they should fit perfectly with the primal classes in PHB2, and please players with a taste for the unorthodox. Although the article describes its origin as an obscure race from 3rd Edition's Races of the Wild book, for most players it will be a completely new concept.

A female Wilden. Current concept art is unclear on whether or not they will have mammary glands.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Not at the beginning of turn: Fighter Stances

I have this thing with effects that work at the beginning of an enemy's turn. It's not just that I think they are overpowered -they usually are- but rather, that were several options to express the same game function, and they chose the worst possible one. Consider, for example, the difference with something that triggers at the end of your own turn. Outside of some corner cases of you or your target being slid or pushed by third parties between your initiative turns, both wordings are equivalent. Why, then, do I think one of them is wrong?

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Balancing multiclass feats

Today I'm going to take a look at multiclass feats. These feats tend to be a bargain, as they usually offer useful class abilities on top on skill training. Because of this, most characters will take one such feat at some point in their careers, even if they are not interested in further multiclassing. Unfortunately, their power level isn't completely uniform, and there are several underperforming feats, as well as a couple overpowered ones. While this is a natural situation in a system with hundreds of feats, the usual solution of just ignoring the bad ones is not feasible here, as they are a requirement for players who want to multiclass. Below, I present my suggestions to improve the ones I have found problematic, including a couple from PHB 2.

The changes were made with the following ideas in mind:
  • Power level - every multiclass feat must be worth taking by itself
  • Worse than class features - The abilities from multiclass feats should't be as good as the features from the original class. Most of the time, this means limited uses per encounter or per day, but sometimes it will be necessary to reduce their effect.
  • Reference feats - I consider that feats granting at-will powers once per encounter, or granting Healing Word style powers once per day are fine. When an ability can be used each encounter, it should last one round if it is about as good as Sneak Attack (see Sneak of Shadows) or two if is comparable to Hunter's Quarry (see Warrior of the Wild).

Changes: Limited to 1 attack/encounter. Can no longer regain the power.
Comment: Oath of Enmity may well be the single strongest class feature in the game, and being able to use it for two rounds (plus an action point) was just too good. Also, there is some ambiguity as to whether you can regain OoE when your target drops, which I've tried to fix.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A slight tweak for Tieflings

Tieflings are a deceivingly powerful race, with one of the best racial bonuses (bloodhunt) and the very nice Fire Resistance. However, the usefulness of their racial encounter power (Infernal Wrath) depends too strongly on their Charisma score, which is otherwise irrelevant for many class builds. This means that Infernal Wrath becomes almost worthless, not only for relatively unusual characters like tiefling fighters or rogues, but also for builds as iconic as tiefling wizards or infernal warlocks. Since I think that the power works fine for characters with Charisma as a primary or secondary ability, I have come up with a small house rule: rather than Charisma, use one mental ability score (Int, Wis or Cha) chosen at first level. It would look as follows:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hybrid classes: A Player's Handbook 3 preview

While I'm still waiting for Amazon to deliver my copy of Player's Handbook 2, the very first preview of PHB3 has just come out on D&D Insider (for subscribers only). The article (labeled as 'playtest', since it's an early version of the rules) shows a very interesting concept to be presented in that book: a new multiclass system to make hybrid characters. Unlike current multiclass rules, this allows a nearly even split of features and powers between both classes from the first level. When this preview was announced, before I knew how it would be implemented, I was convinced that such a system was doomed to be utterly broken. I was wrong.
If they fix a few issues, 'real' multiclassing will be clean and fair.
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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fighting for balance

It's not too difficult to come up with really powerful Fighter builds. On top of excellent defending capabilities, you can get absurdly high damage potential, often rivalling even the mighty Ranger. I already addressed the Battlerager Vigor class feature, but there are still a few powers that I consider broken enough to push Fighters over the top. I will take a look at them today, among other things, such as the pitiful at-will Sure Strike.

At-will powers

Comment:This change was directly taken from the WoTC errata forums, and I love it. Dual strike is typically the most serious offender in fighter damaging builds, and this removes that option, while adding a unique, fun dimension to Tempest Fighters. Comparison with Cleave is inevitable, but being both able to mark twice and restricted to dual wielding whould differentiate it enough.
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Friday, April 3, 2009

Fixing Beast Mastery (III):The beasts

Here are the pet statistics to use with my new Beast Master Ranger rules. Special properties are explained below.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fixing Beast Mastery (II): Beast as Weapons

The Ranger Beast Master is an awesome concept that suffers from a slightly clunky execution. This is my attempt at a cleaner implementation. The idea is to skip pet stat blocks (which I find cumbersome) and have them use their master's stats for everything but attack and movement. There is a sacrifice in realism, accuracy or whatever, but it becomes a lot easier to use. The simplified pet stats are similar to weapon stats, and fit in just one line, so you can tell one pet from other at first glance. Pet special abilities have been keyworded

These rules change the way that pet stats are generated, and (intentionally) increase the efectiveness of pet attacks. As I explained before, pet attacks were too weak, particularly in higher levels, and this directly affected Ranger Beast Powers. My revision should bring them on par with weapon basic attacks, which should allow those powers to work properly.

Beast statistics

The statistics for each category of beast companion have been simplified, and have the following presentation:
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