Thursday, May 28, 2009

Second preview of Hybrid Multiclass rules is out!

Short review: This is going to work...
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eberron Self-Forged

Today's preview from Eberron Player's Guide features the Self-Forged, an artificer paragon path. It's about trying to become a Warforged by cutting pieces of yourself and replacing them with mechanic stuff. Thing is, the illustration (pretty cool, by the way) reminded me of something...
Just wait until you see his Warforged little brother...

So, anybody wants to build a Fullmetal Artificer?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Official change in Solo monster design

I just read today's DDI article about Demogorgon , and found something very interesting regarding Solo monsters:

"you might reconfigure Orcus closer to the newer solo monster design tenets: give him 20% fewer hit points, -2 defenses, but also increase his damage output by 50% when bloodied."

Since I still don't own a copy of Monster Manual 2, I didn't know about this change in design philosophy. I like the idea, and I'll apply this template on my next Solo encounter, as it should speed up things quite a bit. After all, fights with Solos do have some tendency to last a bit too much, and sometimes become monotonous.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Player's Handbook 3 out on July, 2009?

Lots of news today, not all positive, but definitely surprising. First of all, Player's Handbook 3 will be available to play as early as next July. The catch? It will be only for subscribers of D&D Insider, which will see a very convenient price rise (up to $72 for a one-year subscription, from the current $60) that very month. The announcement promises "Complete sections of final, playable material", to be released each month until March, 2010. More importantly, this content will be included in both Character Builder and Compendium, which have become essential in my games. As if to prove that they really mean it, they are also showing the gorgeous cover for PHB3:

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

A bunch of feats for the Monk playtest

The playtest article for the Player's Handbook 3 Monk class came out this week, and it's as good as you could expect. I'll post a detailed review soon (the short review is: I love it, but find it slightly weak) for those who haven't read it yet. Today's article, however, is for those who have.

The Monk Playtest, like all previous playtests, has the frustrating limitation of lacking feats. I guess you can call it an improvement, though, as it features a brand new feat, which happens to be a mix of Weapon and Implement Expertise. Since that's hardly enough for me, I've made a bunch of my own, which you can see below. Most of them are basic, almost obvious ideas that I wouldn't be surprised to find in PHB 3. A few (like Unarmored Mobility) include mechanics that I'd like to see in the base class. Enjoy!

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tempus, the mightiest god of the Realms.

I tend to forget about the Realms. I don't own any of the Campaign Setting books, and haven't played a game in that setting since 3rd Edition. Still, thanks to the magic of DDI, parts of the Realms trascend their plane of existance, and turn up in our setting-agnostic, Points of Light games. That is how I came to know the Swordmage, of which I discussed recently. Today we'll talk about other piece of the Realms that is quickly becoming universal, one god with countless followers, whose might is unmatched. Bow before Tempus, god of Critical Hits!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Divine domains: A Divine Power Preview

This is hardly breaking news, since it appeared on last month's Ampersand article in DDI. Nevertheless, the material is interesting enough to comment, even if late: Divine Power will introduce Domains for divine classes in 4E. They will grant new feat choices to worshippers of appropiate gods - each god has 2 or 3 associated domains, out of more than 30. For each domain, there will be Divinity Feats (granting new Channel Divinity powers, just like other divine feats we already have) and Domain Feats, which provide a small skill bonus and modify specific at-will powers.
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Monday, May 4, 2009

How much should a Shielding Swormage shield?

While playing a Dungeon Delve last weekend, I had the chance to experience in practice what I already suspected: that a Shielding Swordmage is the best one there is at what he does, and what he does isn't completely fair.

What a Shielding Swordmage does, is preventing a good chunk of damage from marked enemies attacking someone else. So much damage, in fact, that attacks from average monsters are effectively negated. Today, I'll explain why I think this is a bad mechanic, and how I'd try to improve it.
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