Monday, March 2, 2009

Monster Numbers

If there is something I like from the new DMG it is, without a doubt, how it explains the math behind monster stats. The 'monster statistics by role' table in page 184, and the 'damage by attack type' table in the following table provide invaluable insight about 4E's core mechanics. It is in these tables that we can see, among other things, that both attacks and defenses are expected to increase at the very predictable rate of +1/level.

However, even if this section provides formulas or values for every relevant monster stat, not all of them are easy to read, or use. In particular, Hit Point values depend on monster Constitution, something is a bit out of place in such straightforward tables, in my opinion. Also, damage values are given as dice rolls plus modifiers, which is good for actual monster creation, but hides the real numbers behind. It's not always easy to see just how much better than 3d6+X is 2d10+Y.

Today I'll try to help DMs who like to customize monsters, by providing additional tables with quick stats: three for monster Hit Points, including entries for Elites and Solos, and two with average damages from monster attacks, both normal and limited.
The tables below will help you make new, fearsome monsters

These are reasonable values for monster Hit Points, using average Constitution scores:

Solos are slightly different, since they use different formulas for heroic and higher tiers:

The following tables show average damage values derived from the tables in DMG:

The numbers behind it

HP tables assume the following Constitution scores:
- Standard and Elite monsters, all roles but Brute - Con 12
- Standard and Elite Brutes - Con 15
- Heroic Solos - Con 18
- Paragon Solos - Con 20

There should be slight deviations in higher levels, as ability scores increase, but not large enough to be significant.

Damage tables are pretty straightforward, as I just replaced dice by their average value.

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