Monday, July 20, 2009

A close look at Arcane Power (III) - Bard Paragon and Epic encounter powers

We continue our analysis of new bard options in Arcane Power. I'm still experimenting a bit with the format, and today we will have the rest of bard encounter powers, both Paragon and Epic. These seem to be a lot more polished than their Heroic counterparts, and I only see a few of them as needing fixes, so rather than having a dedicated houserule section at the end, I'll just add the suggested changes at the end of each power that needs it.

Couplet of Deceptive Weakness Encounter 13
Power: *** - Fun: ***

You're granting an ally a move and an attack - almost a whole turn - in addition to your own attack, which didn't even cost a standard action! I would have called it uterly broken without blinking a few levels ago, even on a daily, but we're at paragon tier and playing a different game now. Of course it's on the powerful side of the curve but, as we will soon see, there is fierce competition for this power slot.

I also need to mention that this attack opens up lots of cool plays, and shows my favourite aspect of the leader role. Heals and buffs are fine, but nothing screams 'leader' like making your guys move here and do this at the right time.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Divine Power revealed!

It looks like somebody has been able to get their hands on Divine Power already, since there's a forum thread on talking about the contents of the book. Forgive the messy writing and format, as I'm writing this a bit too late. Here are some of the items I found the most interesting, and my take on them:
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Monday, July 13, 2009

"Class acts: the Ranger" article on DDI

"See the Verdant Silence ranger build and theverdant silence weapon in this month's Class Acts."

UPDATE: My evaluation of this article may have been excessively optimistic. In an unprecedented move, WoTC has published a heavily rewritten revision, due to "unacceptable quality". Several powers have been tweaked or redesigned. Although there are many changes, the fact that many of them were inexplicably listed as 'Immediate Interrupt' yet had no trigger seems to be the most urgent fix. These have been changed to Standard actions. Oddly, in my first reading of the article I completely missed that - action type is one of those lines that rarely provides new information, and often gets skipped.

There is no such build. If, like me, you read this introduction and start building expectations while the .pdf loads, you will be up for a bit of a letdown. Specifically, none of the following items, which I was hoping to see, is actually in the article:
  • New class build, with a cool class feature.
  • New, non-terrible, at-will powers.
  • More feats to expand ranger options.
To sum up, this Class Acts does nothing to address the most pressing concerns I have with the class. What it does have, however, is a series of Encounter and Utility Powers of all levels, playable and moderately interesting, though not terribly exciting. There is no clear theme that I can make out - just a lot of "hit stuff twice, gain a bonus or two". On the other hand, all utilities are very nice, and encounter powers to boot, and I expect to see many of them as the new picks of choice for their level - they are all on the offensive side, triggering when you down a foe or when you suffer a specific type of attack, granting you extra attacks or healing. (UPDATE: Many of these utilities have been toned down since I wrote this. No more free attacks and per-encounter healing, to begin with).

To the article's merit, none of the dozen powers presented looks obviously broken. (UPDATE: D&D development team disagrees with me here, so take this opinion with a grain of salt ;) ) Also, the magic weapon giving name to the article provides a cool bonus for dual wielders: free shifts when hitting twice. Nothing that puts it remotely close to the Bloodclaws and Reckless weapons out there (thankfully), but an interesting property nonetheless. It's a pity that the badass ranger in the picture won't be able to use it, though - it only works for heavy blades.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New feats and multiclass rules for your psion

(Edit: Updated multiclass feats to work with all psionic classes)

Unlike the monk preview, the psion class has been published with a small selection of feats for all tiers. Although the higher level ones are excellent, at heroic there isn't really much choice: you have Discipline Adept, which is decent enough, but I find Precise Mind unplayable before you have 6 power points, and just mediocre once you do. As for Exchange Power, you can only activate it in parties where several PCs have power points, which is an extremely unlikely scenario right now.

With this in mind (heh), I have made up several feats to expand your options when building psions, emphasizing their mechanical and flavor themes. In addition, I have adapted the multiclass feat rules, implementing new feats that work with a psion's augmentable at-wills and lack of encounter powers. I hope you enjoy them!

Heroic Tier feats

Inspiring domination.
Requirement: Psion
Benefit: When an enemy you dominate makes an attack, or when an enemy makes an attack granted by one of your psion powers, that enemy gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll Read More......

Friday, July 10, 2009

More Divine Power info (D&D podcast)

Today's D&D podcast had a few Divine Power teasers. Here's what caught my attention.

Regarding clerics, the new build is called the Shielding Cleric, and will be focused on granting bonuses to your teammates. In addition, there will be an option to swap out the Turn Undead feature for a power called Healer's Mercy. The change from a very situational power to a healing-oriented one looks like a great boost for all clerics, as long as it isn't as terrible as Divine Fortune...

As for paladins, we finally know what Divine Sanction is about (as I had been intrigued by the subject since the name came up in the feat preview). As we suspected, it is a marking mechanic related to Divine Challenge. But, rather than a replacement or a rules upgrade (as had also been speculated), Divine Sanction is the version of DC you can get as an special effect of powers or feats. It still marks and deals some radiant damage as punishment, but the length of the effect is specified by its source, and there is no engagement clause. Hopefully this will alleviate the paladin's problems defending against groups of enemies.

There weren't many news for avengers and invokers, though. They talked about the already known, new avenger build: The Commanding Avenger, or something like that. Its class feature is called Censure of Unity. Like the name suggests, this one will emphasize a leader secondary role, playing better with the rest of your party than previous avengers. As someone joked on a forum: 'Avengers assemble!'. And they talked about the malediction invoker, previewed on the D&D site - nothing new here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A close look at Arcane Power (II) - Bard heroic powers

Without further introduction, these are my opinions on heroic tier bard powers from Arcane Power.

Jinx Shot At-will
Power: ** - Fun: ***

One of the coolest at-wills out there. The effect is not terribly powerful, as the target can choose to move before he attacks (and maybe falls prone) or, if movement isn't needed, attack and stand up right away. Still, there are many tricks to pull off, and knocking prone with a ranged attack is way better than in melee.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Psion in 4E: Mind-blowing!

If you are a DDI subscriber, go login to D&D Compendium right now. If you aren't, this could be a good time to start. The first playable chapter of Player's Handbook 3 has just been released on the compendium and character builder, as promised. It shows the new Psion class, featuring the weirdest class mechanig yet seen on 4E. Psionic Power Points are back, there are augmented at-wills instead of encounter powers, and the D&D universe will never be the same.

An iconic Psion
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

A close look at Arcane Power (I) - Bard class builds


The Prescient Bard is a new class build, focusing on ranged weapon powers. It uses Wis as secondary score, and the main theme is modification of die rolls, both of allies and enemies. It's linked to a new class feature, the Virtue of Prescience, which prevents attacks against your allies once per encounter.
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A close look at Arcane Power - Introduction

Today, I start a new article series featuring an idea that I've wanted to try for a while: A book review. I know it's hardly a groundbreaking concept, but I'm going to add a little twist. Rather than doing the sensible thing and provide a general overview of the book, pointing out its highlights and any broken stuff that has slipped through, I'll just go over every single thing in the book.

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Divine Power preview: feats!

Lots of info today! Today's excerpt of Divine Power has a bunch of divine feats - probably most, if not all, of the non-race-specific heroic ones. Also not included are Domain Feats, or any other deity-specific feat. Here's a quick review on them.

(EDIT: I have later realized that these are Paragon Tier feats. This review looked at them as options for Heroic PCs, so some comments could be a bit off)

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Errata FAIL

Obviously, this errata needs its own errata. I shudder at the thought of a Dual Strike that included a Strength modifier to damage... Read More......

One errata to fix them all!

The rule updates for july have just come out, and I'm really, really impressed. Although the number of changes isn't huge, the accuracy and quality of the fixes is unprecedented. Seven changes affecting five of the most problematic rules elements in the game. You will no longer have to worry about banning/houseruling any of the following:
  • Rain of Blows (broken Fighter encounter power)
  • Righteous Rage of Tempus (obscene Channel Divinity feat)
  • Battlerager Vigor (broken Fighter class feature)
  • Dual Strike (broken Fighter at-will... do I see a pattern, here?)
  • Guileful Switch (time warping Warlord utility)

So, what did they change? Read More......