Sunday, January 31, 2010

Martial Power 2 Excerpts: Skirmishing Warlord

The latest Martial Power 2 preview shows the much anticipated ranged Warlord build: the Skirmishing Warlord. This build may have been an obvious move, but it does represent the most drastic shift for a 4E class to date: adding ranged capabilities to a previously pure melee character.

The idea of a bow-using martial commander, shouting orders from the rear is actually a very intuitive one. Indeed, in the months leading to 4E release, when we had a general idea of what a warlord would do but hadn't the rules for them yet, many of us assumed that the use of ranged weapons would be one of the options for the class, if not the main one. That was not to be, though, as the final class had a strong emphasis on fighting on the front lines, to the point that it became one of its main differentiating points. Being on melee was what a Warlord was about, and the idea of giving them ranged powers looked a bit silly on hindsight, like a Fighter focusing on bows.

And here comes Martial Power 2 and reverses with trend with a ranged build. Was it necessary? Does it actually add something to the class, or is it taking away part of what made it special in order to fill the ever-growing option tree? We will reflect about that soon, but first we should take a look at how the Bowlord works.
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Superior Implements sneak preview!

Edit: Mike Donais has confirmed, at the forums, that "The Dark Sun preview was just one option from many". What surprises await us?

Edit 2: An early spoiler of PHB3 in clarifies that each superior implement will have one or two special abilities (like 'brutal' in weapons). I have added a new section at the end commenting on this.

The D&D Experience convention this weekend is bringing lots and lots of interesting D&D news. Some of them I will comment in detail in the following days. For now, I'd like to talk about the first glimpse at one of the most solicited new mechanics in Player's Handbook 3. This is a day of joy for casters everywhere, for superior implements have been revealed, and they are good!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Art of Binding: Warlock Vestiges

Of all the classes in 4E, the Warlock is probably among the best supported ones (second only to the Fighter, in my opinion). With a new class build in a campaign setting (the Dark Warlock from Forgotten Realms Player's Guide) and an impressive selection of Dragon articles, both in quantity and quality, it would be easy for any new material to fall in repetition and familiar ideas. Thankfully, this is not the case with "The Art of Binding", an awesome piece featured in this month's Dragon magazine.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fixing the math: Fortitude, Reflex, Will (II)

After the lengthy explanation of current issues with Fortitude, Reflex, and Will progression, I think we are ready to look at the crunchy bits. The house rule I propose for the non-AC defenses is not, in fact, a single rule, but a set of three different modifications: the introduction of masterwork neck slot items, the creation of a new type of magic item that ensures a minimum ability modifier to defenses without costing any additional item slot, and the ban of a series of feats.
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fixing the math: Fortitude, Reflex, Will

They start out all right, neither too easy nor too difficult to hit. But as the levels increase, they lag behind and never recover. Fortitude, Reflex and Will, also known in certain circles as NADs (non-AC defenses), are broken. Heroic characters barely notice it, Paragons start to suffer, and Epic heroes just have to assume that certain attacks will always hit them. Today I will talk about why this happens, just how bad it is, and how the official "feat patch" fails to solve the problem - and in the following post I will suggest a way to fix it!
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Martial Power 2 class builds: Enter the Matrix

(Edit: Table updated with Cunning Sneak feature for rogues, mentioned here.)
(Edit 2: Updated again with Archer Warlord and Skirmishing presence for Warlords, which are suddenly the most customizable class in the game, by a mile!)

Debut Content from Player's Handbook 3 this month consists on the final version of Hybrid Character rules, offering minimal updates to the previous versions, which have already been discussed in detail in this site. On the other hand, they come with very insightful developer comments, so we can forgive the relative lack of new material. Most importantly, though, the list of Hybrid Talent options now includes alternate class features from Martial Power 2, so that avid spoiler hunters such as myself can have a rough idea of the contents of the book.
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Friday, January 15, 2010

Martial Power 2 Preview: Brawler Fighter build!

With the most obvious fighter builds (weapon and shield, two-handed weapon, two weapons, berserker) already available from Player's Handbook and Martial Power, I wondered what new weapon style could Martial Power 2 bring. Single handed weapons without a shield is still open, but that might be hard to justify. What could you possibly want the free hand for?

To punch them in the face, of course! The Brawler Style Fighter has been previewed in a very sneaky way through the MP2 faq, which includes an awesome new at-will power specific for the build: Grappling Strike. It is a standard weapon attack that requires you to have a hand free, so that you can grab your foe after hitting. It looks like a very cool concept, since it introduces hand-to-hand combat in a very fightery way, giving a new meaning to the expression "Sword and Fist".

I had some doubts about Martial Power being able to surprise us, but this was quite unexpected.

A role-defining class feature for controllers.

I have fallen in love with a new wizard spell. I didn't think I was ready for a relationship, after my tragic loss of a beloved at-will. But this Utility is different: the first time I saw it, I knew we were made for each other...

Mystical Debris is a level 2 Wizard Utility power featured in today's Class Acts article. It is not the strongest power out there (most optimizers would probably take Shield for that slot), but it does have an unprecedented, cool effect: It allows the wizard to create squares of difficult terrain, one at a time... at-will. Think of the possibilities. Turn after turn, the wizard can modify the battlefield, blocking corridors with the help of a Defender, preventing shifts to flanking positions, and generally annoying the DM. This is the perfect controller power!

Then, the cogs in my brain started turning. Costing a mere minor action and being usable at-will for almost every turn of an encounter, this power almost feels like a class feature. In fact, it would have made a great feature for the Wizard - it couldn't fit better in the philosophy of the class and its role, and Wizards have always felt like they missed some extra combat-related feature. Come to think of it, so does every other controller, as that role... lacks... the defining feature...

Could it be possible? Is Mystical Debris the missing link? The Lost Controller Feature?

Dun Dun DUN!!!
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