Friday, April 30, 2010

Character survivability across levels

After defining the concept of character survivability (and providing a tool for calculating it), I think it's time to explore its applications. Today I'll study the S (survivability) values of three different characters, representative of each party role: a defender, a controller, and a striker/leader (since both roles share similar amounts of HP and defenses). I'll compare their progression across the 30 levels of the game, examining survivability for individual defenses as well as overall survivability.

I'd like to find out whether the relative resilience of each role remains stable throughout tiers, or it presents large variability due to scaling differences. Also, I want to analyze absolute survivability values, and their implications on combat length - having defined the metric as the number of turns until a PC is killed by a monster of the same level, these numbers should provide a very rough estimation (i.e. before accounting for healing and stunned monsters) of the maximum duration of an encounter of the PC's level. The minimum duration, of course, would be dependant on the party DPR... but that is a story for another day. Let's proceed with the experiment.
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Monday, April 19, 2010

Character Math: Measuring Survivability in Turns to Die.

Most of the current game theory for D&D 4E is focused on measuring and comparing each character's offensive prowess. There are several reasons for this: damage-dealing is the most common role in adventuring parties, and quantifying the result of an attack is relatively straightforward. Also, players just love to destroy monsters (and peers) with absurdly high damage numbers. But even the most well-oiled killing machine needs some degree of defensive capabilities, lest his enemies knock him down in a single turn (as certain players in my group can attest).

But how do you measure survivability? It's trivial to come up with damage as the universal unit for comparing attacks, but which one should be used for toughness? It should factor in Hit Points, Armor Class, and the other three defenses - and also mechanics such as resistance or temporary hit points. After considering the issue for a while, I think I have come up with a good solution: we can (and should) calculate the number of turns that a character can endure monster attacks before becoming unconscious. The basic formula would have the following form:

Survivability = Character HP / Enemy's average attack damage

or, abbreviated:

S = HP / monster DPR
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Character Survivability Calculator

Update: A more advanced version of the calculator has been released, featuring compatibility with temporary hit points, regeneration, and defense-boosting attacks. You can find it here.

Here is a tool I've been working on lately. Just type in your PC's stats, and it will calculate the time a skirmisher monster of a given level needs to bring you to 0 HP. It's still a bit rough, as it doesn't take into account crits, temporary HP, or high resistance values. Still, I have found it both useful and entertaining.
Expect discussion of the underlying math, the approximations involved, and the (brand new!) concept of character survivability in an upcoming post. Until then... enjoy!
Note: I have tested this with Firefox and Chrome. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work yet with Explorer, but I'm working on it.

Character Stats:
Monster Stats:
Level: Type:
Marked Combat Advantage
Average monster DPR:
Number of turns it takes a Skirmisher monster of level 1 to kill you:
Attacking vs AC: vs For: vs Ref: vs Wil:
Overall survivability:turns.
Chance for a Skirmisher monster of level 1 to hit you:
Attacking vs AC: vs For: vs Ref: vs Wil:
Overall Hit %:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Index of weapon feats

I have updated my index of weapon-related feats with the new material from Martial Power 2 and Player Handbook 3. They are classified by weapon category and ordered by tier, with different sections for generic feats and for those that require specific races or classes. I also list the source books, for those who lack DDI subscriptions, though this will be a lot more useful if you can see the Compendium tootips.

These are the abbreviations of rule book titles:
- PHB: Player's Handbook
- PHB2: Player's Handbook 2
- PHB3: Player's Handbook 3
- MP: Martial Power
- MP2: Martial Power 2
- EPG: Eberron Player's Guide
- DRAXXX: Dragon Magazine, issue XXX.
- DraAnn: Dragon Annual


Generic feats
Headsman's Chop - Heroic (PHB3)
Deadly Axe - Paragon (PHB)
Axe Mastery - Epic (PHB)
Cleaving Axe - Epic (PHB3)
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Class Acts: Warlock. Charisma for Infernal Pact?

This month, in Dragon magazine, Warlocks get another amazing article. No, really. Again. It definitely looks like someone at Wizards is badly in love with Warlocks. Of the tiefling variety. And is Lead Designer of the game, and thus allowed to do silly things, like using Charisma for Infernal Pact powers, and get away with it.

It's cool to be with the charismatic boys!
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Broken Bits: Brash Assault

One of the coolest ideas from the first Martial Power was Brash Assault, a Warlord at-will attack that leaves you open to an enemy counterattack which, in turn, allows an ally to hit the target. Unfortunately, the implementation leaves a bit to be desired, so this awesome power will, more often than not, be reduced to a mere melee basic attack. Here is a typical usage scenario:

Warlord: I move to flank the goblin with the fighter, and attack recklessly! Brash Assault!
DM: Ok, you hit.
Warlord: Great! I deal 7 points of damage, and he can make a free attack, but...
DM: He passes.
Warlord: Uh, what?
DM: The goblin doesn't make the attack. He knows your pal will hit back, and it's probably not worth it.
Warlord: (cry)
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