Saturday, May 22, 2010

Class Acts: Invoker. More feats than you can fit in a Burst 2.

One of the best articles in DDI so far this month has been the Class Acts dedicated to Invokers. It's one of those increasingly rare, mechanics focused articles, offering little in the way of backstory, but full of new options - the ones I'm always looking for. Signed by the prolific and reliable Robert J. Schwalb, this article consists purely of feats, of all tiers and colors. With a total of 34 invoker-specific feats, this is more than the whole Divine Power book added to the class in that regard, unless we count Domain feats. So the number of possible combinations and builds for the class has been greatly expanded - opening up some very intriguing concepts.

Dubious Manifestation is a new feat of dubious quality for Drow Invokers
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Character Survivability Calculator (advanced)

UPDATE (16/05/10): Fixed script formulas for sustained damage)
UPDATE (01/12): Updated for MM3 monster stats

I've been making some improvements to my calculator of character survivability, and now we can incorporate PCs with attacks that grant temporary hit points, resistances, or defense bonuses on a hit, that depend on the PC's chance to hit. Defender characters (who are typically the most interested in measuring their endurance) should find this particularly useful, since most make regular use of these mechanics.

I've chosen to focus exclusively on effects that a character can grant himself, rather than external bonuses and healing. That stuff is left for future posts. If your character isn't interested in gaining THPs and the like, you'll probably prefer the basic version of the calculator, which is still available here.

An explanation of the new formulas used will be added soon.

Character Stats:
HP:Resistance: Regeneration:
Conditional damage mitigation on a hit:
Bonus to AC:, to For:, to Ref:, to Wil:
Resistance/THP: Attack Bonus: vs
Chance to Mitigate:Sustained THP?:
Chance to mitigate damage:
Chance to sustain THP:
Monster Stats:
Level: Type:
Marked Combat Advantage
Average monster DPR:

Number of turns it takes a Skirmisher monster of level 1 to kill you:

Attacking vs AC: vs For: vs Ref: vs Wil:
Overall survivability:turns.

Chance for a Skirmisher monster of level 1 to hit you:

Attacking vs AC: vs For: vs Ref: vs Wil:
Overall Hit %:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May Rules Updates: Infernal Wrath, surgeless healing, flight...

It's errata time again! Following the trend of recent awesome updates, this month's revision affects a large series of items for books up to (but not including) Player's Handbook 3. Although the usual class and power adjustments are in place, this time there's an infrequent emphasis on general rulings, of which some had been expected, and one caught me totally flat-footed! Also, there is a very surprising movement in the complete rewrite of a racial power (which, honestly, was in dire need of fixing) and the sweeping changes brought to all feats and features that depended on it. Let's take a look!
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