Friday, April 29, 2011

The Magic Item Reset (V): Armor

After looking at the offensive gear, here are some options to protect the PCs
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Magic Item Reset (IV): Implements

Continuing with my standalone magic item collection, here are the magic implements.
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Monday, April 25, 2011

The Magic Item Reset (III): Weapons

Having explained why and how I designed a standalone set of magic items to replace the existing ones in D&D 4E, I can proceed to show them to you. Here are the magic weapons.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Magic Item reset (II): How many items?

Having determined that the current list of magic items is flawed, and decided to build my own one from scratch, removing all the clutter and keeping just the interesting stuff, there is a major question that needs to be answered: how many magic items does the system require? The main goals of this new item list is to offer a varied and fun experience without overwhelming players with options. Also, my resources as a standalone designer are limited, so I’ll tend to err on the side of brevity. With that in mind, what is the absolute minimum amount that would still provide an acceptable degree of variety?
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Friday, April 22, 2011

The Magic Item reset (I): Why I hate magic items

Forget about feats, powers, or paragon paths. The most bloated, cumbersome and fun-killing part of D&D 4E are the magic items. For a game that is basically about killing monsters and taking their stuff, picking treasure too often feels like a chore rather than a reward. Today I will discuss why I feel this way about one of the sacred pillars of D&D, and in subsequent articles I will present my ideas on how to improve this situation.
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

D&D 4E: What Works, What Fails?

From the very beginning, this blog has tried to answer what can be improved about D&D 4E. For this reason, I couldn't resist participating when I saw the following call for feedback from the game devs:

Hey Folks;

It’s agonizing self-appraisal time in the D&D reeducation camp. Mike Mearls has asked for a list of issues that players see as problems with 4E. No group of people is better equipped to compile that list than all of you.

We’re only interested in the D&D rules right now—what’s broken, what’s underpowered? What change would get you to play an unloved class or race, or to pick a feat or power that no one uses? Whose damage is too low, whose basic attack is rubbish, which secondary effect doesn’t work as written? Let’s collect them all here, where they’ll be easy to find and compile.


(Steve is Steve Winter, editor of Dungeon and Dragon) The discussion is taking place in this thread in the official forums, and I'd encourage any readers to chime in. If you are interested in making D&D a better game, this looks like the perfect place to go. Here's what I had to say on the matter: Read More......

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monsters of the Trollhaunt V: Encounter W4

Monsters of the Trollhaunt: Index – Previous - Next

This is a series of articles about the monsters included in the adventure P1: King of the Trollhaunt Warrens- so you may want to stop reading, if you intend to play the module anytime soon.
Our party keeps delving into the dungeon. Here are the updated monster stat blocks for their second encounter there.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Broken Bits: Morninglord

Broken Paragon Paths, Part Seven
Previous - Index - Next

The Morninglord paragon path is one of the most ridiculously potent options available to players looking for an offensive boost. The reason is its 16th level feature, Burning Radiance, which reads as follows:

Burning Radiance (16th level): Whenever you hit with a power that has the radiant keyword, the target gains vulnerability 10 to radiant damage until the end of your next turn. Read More......