The Class Compendium series comes to an end with what is likely the most complex class update yet: the Player’s Handbook Wizard, now known as Arcanist. Ever since I read Heroes of the Fallen Kingdoms, I had been awaiting this revision, to finish the changes started there: give miss effects to wizard encounter powers, and add school keywords to all spells. The article addresses this, but also tackles the issue of attacks with persistent, damaging zones, severely weakening many wizard spells that, to be honest, were likely deserving their fate.
A huge amount of game elements were changed in the article, so I’ll show them classified into five broad categories: General, At-Wills, Encounters, Dailies, and Paragon Paths (curiously, the update had no effect on wizard utilities).
Zone Damage: Almost every damaging zone was changed. Zones now tend to deal damage at the end of turn, using static amounts rather than damage rolls, and only once per turn. This is a severe reduction in power, but in many cases it was well deserved . On the bright side, the powers become much more interesting, since enemies now actually have an incentive to move away from damaging zones, so the wizard has -gasp- control over their actions. Still, in some cases this would work better if the end of turn damage was raised - I’m not advocating returning to damage rolls, but some higher modifiers would be in order.
Cantrips: Arcanist Wizards can now choose which cantrips they have, so spells released in Essentials books become relevant for them.
No Improvements: This is the big letdown for me, in the article: PHB wizard at-wills haven’t got any better, despite the fact that the standard for controller at-wills is now much higher than 3 years ago. I was particularly hopeful for my pet power, *Scorching Burst*, which really deserved some additional effect, or (my personal favourite) just boosting its damage die to d10. Ray of Frost is likewise unimpressive, and would really need to slow on a miss, slow (save ends), or prevent shifting to remain remotely competitive. Cloud of Daggers, which was fine before, has been hurt by the sweeping changes to zones, so its damage now triggers at the end of turn - underwhelming to say the least. I would really like it if they kept this timing but, say, doubled the zone damage. The rest of at-wills are ok, though: Magic Missile is weak but has its niche, and Thunder Wave is awesome as ever.
The update had a very positive impact on wizard encounter attacks - the vast majority of the ones released in Player’s Handbook now have an effect on a miss, and the very few which don’t are likely mistakes that will be corrected before the final version. A couple of powers suffered a reduction in power, due to the sweeping changes to zone damage, with automatic damage triggering at the start of turn getting downgraded to damage at the end of a creature’s turn. Still, most remain competitive.
Note that many encounter attacks had already been reprinted and improved on Heroes of the Fallen Lands, and have not been affected by this article.
Get better (* marks very weak improvements): Chill Strike (L1*), Ray of Enfeeblement (L1), Icy Rays (L3), Spectral Ram (L7*), Mesmeric Hold (L13), Prismatic Burst (L13), Thunderlance (L13), Combust (L17), Ice Tomb (L17*), Thunderclap (L23), Black Fire (L27), Force Cage (L27)
Get worse (* marks weak powers now): Winter’s Wrath (L7), Frost Burn (L13*), Acid Storm (L23)
Unchanged, deserve improvement: Force Orb (L1), Fire Burst (L7)
If the update brought an increase in power level for wizard encounter attacks, the same cannot be said about dailies. Daily attacks with damaging zones are much weaker now, and non-zone dailies with multiple damage rolls like Prismatic Beams and Prismatic Spray no longer get to pile damage bonuses several times against each target. This affects some of the best damage-dealing dailies in the wizard class (or in the whole game, for that matter), and it’s a change likely to affect many players. On the other hand, these powers definitely had it coming, and they remain, for the most part, very playable, and very dangerous, even in this diminished state. The one exception where I feel they went too far with the nerf is Flaming Sphere, which may have become too much of an action sink for too slim a chance of damaging an enemy: having it trigger on enemies moving adjacent to it in addition to ending their turns there would greatly increase its usefulness in combat.
I generally approve of the updates made to dailies, but for a glaring omission: Fireball (and its big brother Meteor Swarm) still suck. I really, really want to play those, but they are extremely poor options, even after the errata to their worst competitors for area damage.
Get better (* marks very weak improvements):Acid Arrow (L1*)
Get worse (* marks weak powers now):Flaming Sphere (L1*), Freezing Cloud (L1, also got minor buff), Stinking Cloud (L5), Wall of Fire (L9), Prismatic Beams (L15), Cloudkill (L19), Elemental Maw (L25), Necrotic Web (L25), Prismatic Spray (L25)
Unchanged, deserve improvement:Fireball (L5), Lightning Serpent (L9)
Paragon paths
For a long time, the undisputed star of wizard paragon paths has been the Bloodmage, and even a couple attempts at errataing it down to more reasonable levels didn’t bring it down. This article reduces its power level once again, and it looks like they finally nailed it. Two other paths also see minor changes, though nothing of that scale.
Battle Mage: Closing Spell (L20 Daily) reduced in area.
Bloodmage: Bolstering Blood (L11 feature) damage limited to one target; Burning Blood (L16 feature) damage changed; Destructive Salutation (L20 Daily) reduced in damage, now dazes instead of stunning.
Spellstorm Mage: Extra Damage Action (L11 Feature) damage limited to one attack. Storm Cage (L11 attack) wall damage moved to end of turn.