After looking at the offensive gear, here are some options to protect the PCs
Magic Armor - Level 1+ Common Armor
Lvl 1 (+1); Lvl 6 (+2); Lvl 11 (+3); Lvl 16 (+4); Lvl 21 (+5); Lvl 26 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Nimble Armor - Level 2+ Common Armor
Lvl 2 (+1); Lvl 7 (+2); Lvl 12 (+3); Lvl 17 (+4); Lvl 22 (+5); Lvl 27 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property: This armor has no check penalty.
Property: You can use this armor’s enhancement bonus instead of your Strength, Constitution or Dexterity modifier when making Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, Stealth, or Thievery checks.
Delver's Armor - Level 2+ Common Armor
Lvl 2 (+1); Lvl 7 (+2); Lvl 12 (+3); Lvl 17 (+4); Lvl 22 (+5); Lvl 27 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property: You gain a +2 bonus to your first saving throw each encounter.
Armor of Resistance - Level 3+ Common Armor
Lvl 3 (+1); Lvl 8 (+2); Lvl 13 (+3); Lvl 18 (+4); Lvl 23 (+5); Lvl 28 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Special: When this item is created, choose one of the following damage types: fire, cold, lightning, thunder, acid.
Property: You gain resist 5 against the chosen damage type.
Level 13: Resist 10.
Level 23: Resist 15.
Razor Armor - Level 3+ Common Armor
Lvl 3 (+1); Lvl 8 (+2); Lvl 13 (+3); Lvl 18 (+4); Lvl 23 (+5); Lvl 28 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property: When an enemy scores a critical hit against you with a melee or close attack, it takes 1d10 damage.
Level 13: 2d10 damage.
Level 23: 3d10 damage.
Shimmering Armor - Level 4+ Common Armor
Lvl 3 (+1); Lvl 8 (+2); Lvl 13 (+3); Lvl 18 (+4); Lvl 23 (+5); Lvl 28 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property Your ranged and area attacks don't provoke opportunity attacks.
Juggernaut Armor - Level 4+ Common Armor
Lvl 4 (+1); Lvl 9 (+2); Lvl 14 (+3); Lvl 19 (+4); Lvl 24 (+5); Lvl 29 (+6)
Requires: Chain or higher.
Enhancement: AC
Property You gain resist 1 all.
Level 14: Resist 2.
Level 24: Resist 3.
Bramble Armor - Level 2+ Uncommon Armor
Lvl 2 (+1); Lvl 7 (+2); Lvl 12 (+3); Lvl 17 (+4); Lvl 22 (+5); Lvl 27 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Power (Daily)Minor Action. Until the end of the encounter, enemies that hit you take damage equal to 2 plus the enhancement bonus of this armor.
Dwarven Armor - Level 3+ Uncommon Armor
Lvl 3 (+1); Lvl 8 (+2); Lvl 13 (+3); Lvl 18 (+4); Lvl 23 (+5); Lvl 28 (+6)
Requires: Chain or higher.
Enhancement: AC
Power (Daily) Minor Action. You spend a healing surge.
Property: You can use a +4 bonus instead of your constitution modifier when making Endurance checks.
Level 13: +7 bonus.
Level 23: +10 bonus.
Reinforcing Armor - Level 3+ Uncommon Armor
Lvl 3 (+1); Lvl 8 (+2); Lvl 13 (+3); Lvl 18 (+4); Lvl 23 (+5); Lvl 28 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property: When you are hit by an attack, you gain a +1 power bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
Stoneskin Armor - Level 4+ Uncommon Armor
Lvl 4 (+1); Lvl 9 (+2); Lvl 14 (+3); Lvl 19 (+4); Lvl 24 (+5); Lvl 29 (+6)
Requires: Cloth, Leather, or Hide.
Enhancement: AC
Power (Encounter)Minor Action. Special: You must be bloodied. Effect: You gain 5 temporary hit points.
Level 14: 10 temporary hit points.
Level 24:: 15 temporary hit points.
Invulnerable Armor - Level 5+ Uncommon Armor
Lvl 5 (+1); Lvl 10 (+2); Lvl 15 (+3); Lvl 20 (+4); Lvl 25 (+5); Lvl 30 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property You take no damage from missed attacks.
Power (Daily)Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An attack hits you. Effect: You take no damage from the attack. Until the start of your next turn, you take half damage from attacks.
Ghost Armor - Level 2+ Rare Armor
Lvl 2 (+1); Lvl 7 (+2); Lvl 12 (+3); Lvl 17 (+4); Lvl 22 (+5); Lvl 27 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Property:Your attacks ignore the insubstantial trait.
Property: You gain resist 5 necrotic.
Level 12: resist 10.
Level 22: resist 15.
Power (Encounter) Minor action. You gain phasing and insubstantial until the end of your next turn.
Dragon Armor - Level 5+ Rare Armor
Lvl 5 (+1); Lvl 10 (+2); Lvl 15 (+3); Lvl 20 (+4); Lvl 25 (+5); Lvl 30 (+6)
Enhancement: AC
Special: When this item is created, choose one of the following damage types: fire, cold, lightning, thunder, acid.
Property: You become immune against the chosen damage type.
Power (Encounter, Fear): Minor action. Close burst 3. Targets enemies in burst. Until the end of your next turn, the targets gain a -2 penalty to attack rolls and grant combat advantage.
Property (requires extended rest): You gain a +2 item bonus to your healing surge value.
Level 15: +4 item bonus.
Level 25: +6 item bonus.
(A property that requires an extended rest only works if you have worn the item without interruption since your last extended rest).
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